1.The performance of a hard drive or other storage device , meaning how long it takes to locate a file is called ?
(A)Response Time
(B)Access Time
(C)Quick Time

2.Alerts are mostly appear in ______?
(A)Check Box
(B)Combo Box
(C)Dialog Box

3.Which of the following was used in first generation computers?
(A)Machine Language
(B)High Language
(C)Assembly Language

4.A unit of data storage that equals 2 to the 70th power is called?

5.What is used in most programs that is a part of a program and guides the user through certain steps?

6.A generic name for Intel processors released after the original 8086 processor is ______ ?
(C)Pentium 286

7.A network that is connected to the Internet, but uses encryption to scramble all the data sent through the Internet is called ?
(A)My network
(B)Virtual private Network
(C)Social Network

8.V-RAM is used for access of the following ?
(A)Video & Graphics
(B)Text & Images

9.Panther (10.3), Jaguar (10.2), Puma (10.1), and Cheetah (10.0) are examples of _______?
(A)Windows OS
(B)Mac OS
(C)Open Operating Systems

10.Structured Query Language (SQL) is used in the following ?
(A)Create Databases
(B)Create & Modify Databases
(C)Create, Modify & Query Databases

11.A file which has not been altered, compressed, or manipulated in any way by the computer is called?
(A)temp file
(B)raw file
(C)permanent file

12.The word bandwidth is also used to mean ________?
(A)width of the data cable
(B)amount of data transferred
(C)number of the computers on a particular network

13.NetBIOS was introduced in 1983 by which company as an improvement to the standard BIOS used by Windows-based computers?

14.Which among the following is not a payment card technology?
(A)Magnetic Stripe Card
(B)Smart Card
(C)Fleet Card

15.Which among the following can be called an electronic check ?
(A)Debit Card
(B)Smart Card
(C)Credit Card